Clinic İstanbul Turkey

Pregnancy Termination in İstanbul ,Abortion
İstanbul Clinic Mitera
Best Pregnancy Termination & Abortion
Hospitals İn İstanbul (Turkey)
Pregnancy Termination ,abortion is a medical procedure for termination of
undesirable or problematic pregnancies,
First of all a pregnancy test should be performed in a health facility in
order to fully understand whether a pregnancy condition has occurred or not.
According to the results of pregnancy, whether there is a pregnancy status.
Then after the request of a voluntary abortion from the patient or after a
gynecological examination, ultrasound to be made, your doctor may decide to
release the pregnancy.
Why should an pregnancy termination / abortion occur
in a clinic setting? İstanbul Abortion Clinic
The pregnancy termination procedure is carried out in hygienic clinic
conditions, operating room environment by your specialist gynecologist.
Pregnancy termination, unwanted pregnancy abortion is an easy procedure for
a specialist gynecologist physician, lasting up to 5 minutes.
However, every intervention should be performed under sterile operating room
Gynecological examination and gynecologyc ultrasound are
essential for operation and patient safety before the abortion operation.
When should the abortion performed ?
In our country Turkey, abortion can be made legally within the first 10
weeks of pregnancy. The reason for this limit is to protect the woman.
This limit has been established as the risk of abortion increases as the
gestational week increases. The requirement for abortion operations after
10th week should be reported.
What is vacuum abortion method ?
Manual Vacuum aspiration method is thinner than the lead pencil with special
tools and cannula pregnancy by vacuuming the pregnancy is terminated.
Manual vacuum aspiration method is the safest method used in abortion
procedure for many years in İstanbul Abortion Clinic
How to do a pregnancy test ?
What are the signs of pregnancy ?
• Interruption of the menstrual cycle
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Dizziness
• Anorexia
• Weakness
Pregnancy tests are divided into two groups urine and blood tests. You can
find out if you are pregnant with pregnancy test in urine that you can find
in pharmacies. However, if you want to know the exact result, you should go
to a health institution and get a pregnancy test.
What to do before pregnancy termination procedure ,
an abortion?
A fasting period at least 5 hours is required before abortion During this
time, no food should be consumed, including water and cigarettes.After a
thorough examination and gynecological examination, the week and state of
pregnancy should be determinedOperation can be performed under sedation or
general anesthesia according to the patient’s status and preference.This
procedure is performed by an expert gynecologist in the presence of an
anesthesiologist.The patient can leave the operating room after
approximately 10 minutes.If there are no complication the patient can be
discharged on the same day.
What are the expected side effects after abortion ?
Mild nausea and mild pain similar to menstrual pain are expected after
surgery. Bleeding is not expected much, but there may be natural bleeding as
itis normal in all abortions . However, all of these effects are lost in a
short time.The first postoperative period is 4-6 weeks.It is recommended
that you have to bring someone with you to avoid any problems after the
When can I return to social life after pregnancy
termination abortion procedure?
After the pregnancy termination, the patient can resume the normal social
life immediately after discharge. Full recovery after the operation is
provided within 1-2 days. As a precaution, it is recommended not to have
sexual intercourse for 20 days.
Is it possible the other doctor knows that I had an
It is not possible to know an abortion is performed even if the woman is
examined by another physician.
Will my information remain confidential? Is there
any possibility that my information will be shared with third parties?
Pregnancy termination laws in Turkey
All the information you own in our center is completely confidential under
your legal rights (Turkish Ministry of Health Regulation on Patient Rights
Regulation 01.08.1998.23420). It is not possible to give information about
your disease and treatment to third parties.
İs it possible to become a pregnant again ?
Pregnancy termination procedure does not pose any obstacle to becoming a
future mother. However, it is very important to do this in specialist hands
and in a sterile hospital environment.
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Turkey abortion laws, İs
pregnency termination
legal in Turkey ?
Yes the abortion procedure is legal until 10 weeks of
pregnancy in Turkey
Best Pregnancy Termination Abortion Clinics İn İstanbul ,
How To Contact Us :
Termination Clinic İstanbul Turkey

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