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Hymen Repair / Hymenoplasty
 Clinic İstanbul Turkey


Hymen Repair Operation, Hymenoplasty Procedure, Safe and  Guaranty
The hymen is a thin membrane structure that surrounds the vagina opening the usual depth about 1-1.5 cm. There are holes or perforations in the middle which lets the menstrual blood and vaginal secretions flow out.

In some cases there may be no holes in the membrane and the membrane may close the vagina outlet, This is usually when the girl is menstruating for the first time the blood can not flow out , Treatment of this condition is very simple its can be opens with a small cut.

The hymen is expected to rupture and bleed in the first sexual intercourse. However the hole of some membranes can be quite large or flexible.

This allows the penis to enter and exit without causing hymen rupture. Nowadays, there are some pieces used during masturbration can cause rupture of the hymen during masturbation, when the woman reaching the orgasm maybe rupture her hymen without even realizing it.

In this case hymen membrane does not healing willingly.
Hymenoplasty surgery sometime is considered a delicate procedure to ward off fears of social repression experinced by women in some clossed societies.

This operation, which can be performed in two ways : permanent (flep method) and temporarily

İt can applied under local or general anesthesia. This process, which does not exceed half an hour should be performed by Gynecologists and obstetricians.

Will my information remain confidential? Is there any possibility that my information will be shared with third parties?

Please contact our center and all of your information, including your treatment, is completely confidential in the context of your statutory rights (RG 01.08.1998.23420). It is not possible to give information about your disease and treatment to third parties.

Where the hymen is located and what are the benefits of hymen ?

The hymen is a thin and semi-flexible structure, located in the entrance of the vagina, with a small hole in the middle for the flow of menstrual blood and vaginal secretions.

There is no known function. It is thought to have a protective function from infections.

Is it possible to know when a hymen membrane rupture ?

During the first ten days it is possible to know when the membrane is ruptured, but after this period it is impossible to know.

How temporary hymen repair performs ?

In this method, unseen sutures are thrown into the vagina The reason why this method is named temporarily that it must be done a few days before interrelated.
If the hymen planting is to be done temporarily the relationship should be entered within the specified time.

How permanent hymen repair performs in İstanbul Hymenoplasty Clinic?

In this method, hymen repair is done by a technique called (FLEP) technique The deteriorated tissue in this technique is reconstructed as in plastic surgery When you have first sexulal intrcourse after this operation naturally bleeding will occur.

What is the difference between temporary and permanent method hymenoplasty?

Temporary treatment of hymen is done by suturing. The aim here is to cause rupture of the sutures in the sexual intercourse.

 Therefore, care should be given to the stitches until the relationship occurs. In the permanent method, an operation is performed in the vagina as in plastic surgery.

In this method, the reconstruction of the hymen in the first sexual intercourse will be bleeding how much time passes.

İs it possible for torn hymen to heal spontaneously ?

The torn hymen will never close spontaneously.

All kind of hymen can be repair ?

The hymen can be repaired, but parts of the hymen must not be lost. If a person has had a large number of sexual intercourse and a large number of births, the hymen may be lost completely.

Repair can be done also in these cases.

İs it possible for the partner to know that the hymen membrane has been repaired ?

No partner can not know if the hymen was repaired only doctors can know during the examination

How long it take to hymen repir virginity procedure ?

Hymen repair prices, Hymenoplasty prices in İstanbul Turkey
This operation can be performed by local or general anesthesia according to the patient and lasts about 30 minutes.

How Much Does Hymen Repair Cost İn İstanbul Turkey

Best Hymenoplasty Cost, Cheap amd local Good Prices in İstanbul Turkey is 1500 USD Cash, include all about the procedure

Hymen repair prices, Hymenoplasty prices in İstanbul Turkey
Hymen repair prices fees, Hymenoplasty prices in İstanbul Turkey, contact with us


Best Hymenoplasty / Hymen Repair Clinics İn İstanbul , Hospitals

                    How To Contact Us :

 Hymenoplasty, Hymen Repair Clinic İstanbul Turkey


Dr.Nevra Topalismailoglu MD
English speaking Gynecologist , Obstetrician İn İstanbul

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